UC1/NoHelpF:The help file has not been found in the application. I am sorry but full on-line help will not be available.
Ibaricon:WaveFunc displays wave functions for a harmonic oscillator.
Ibaricon1:|M\Sopen parameter entry dialogue.
HelpW:This \w is providing extra description of the Wave functions application.
InfoW:\Tinformation \w for the application.
InfoW1:\Tname of the application.
InfoW2:This application displays wave functions, or their square, and demonstrates Franck-Condon overlap.
InfoW3:The author, Chris Johnson, can be contacted at :-|M7, Lovedale Grove, Balerno, Edinburgh, EH14 4AS.|MSuggestions for improvements, reports of bugs etc are always welcomed.
InfoW4:\Tversion number and the date it was produced.|MRegistered users can obtain the latest version at any time by sending a disc together with return postage to the author.
Save:This \w allows you to save your data as a file in %0 format.
Save0:\Da directory viewer to save the data in %0 format.
Save1:Enter the name for the file you wish to save|MIf the full path name is entered you may then click on OK or press RETURN|MIf you just enter the filename then you must drag the file icon to a directory viewer.
Save2:\Ssave the data in %0 format|MThe full path name must be set up in the writable icon for this to work.
GraphW1:This \w is showing a plot of wave functions against displacement from the equilibrium position.
GraphW2:This \w is showing a plot of the wave functions squared against displacement from the equilibrium position.
GraphWFC:This \w demonstrates a typical plot of the overlap of wave functions.
DefW:Use this \w to choose how to send or save the graph data to Multiplot.
DefW0:\Smake the new settings take effect|MIf you wish Wave Functions to remember the new settings, then you must click on Save.
DefW1:\Sclose this \w and forget any changes you have made.
DefW2:\Smake these settings the new default, which will be loaded each time that Wave Functions is started|MThe settings will also take effect during the current session.
DefW10:\Sdecrease the number of steps used to cover the range of the graph.
DefW11:\Sincrease the number of steps used to cover the range of the graph.
DefW9:The current setting for the number of steps used to display the graph is shown here.
DefW7s:Data will be sent to MultiPlot as series of points|MClick on "Save as lines" to send the data as lines.
DefW7u:\Ssend the data to MultiPlot as a series of points.
DefW8s:Data will be sent to MultiPlot as series of lines|MClick on "Save as points" to send the data as points.
DefW8u:\Ssend the data to MultiPlot as a series of lines.
InputW13:\Sdisplay a graph of %0.
InputW13a:wave functions
InputW13b:wave functions squared
InputW13c:Franck-Condon overlap
InputW1:\Sclose this \w.|MTo reopen the window in its present state click \s on the iconbar icon.
InputW18:\Ssee more information.
InputW10:\Sobtain help.
InputW11s:This item is selected - wave functions will be plotted.
InputW12s:This item is selected - the square of the wave functions will be plotted.
InputW15s:This item is selected - the square of the wave functions and the overlap will be plotted
InputW11u:\Splot wave functions.
InputW12u:\Splot the square of the wave functions.
InputW15u:\Splot the square of the wave functions and the overlap.
InputW5:You must enter a vibrational level (between 0 and 9) here.
InputW6/InputW7:You may choose to enter a vibrational level (between 0 and 9) here.
InputW17:You may choose to enter an offset of equilibrium extension for the second vibrational level.
# menu item help
Mibar0:\Rsee information about WaveFunc and the author.
Mibar1:\Salter the way in which the graph data can be sent to MultiPlot.
Mibar2:\Squit the WaveFunc application|MAll its \ws will be closed and the icon removed from the iconbar.
Mgraph0:\Sdirectly transfer the data to MultiPlot|MMultiPlot must be running for this to work.
Mgraph1:\Rsave the data as a MultiPlot file.
#Error messages
MPBounce:MultiPlot is not responding. Check that Multiplot is running and try again. You must have version 2 or later of Multiplot installed.
PipeBroke:Data Transfer Failed! Receiver died.
Egraph1:There is a problem with the plotting routines. The low and high values for the axis range must be different.